MEC Chris Corona

Chair Jerry Jones

Chair Theresa Kern

Rep. Tonya Plowden-Burnett

Chris Corona - PHX

Rep. Elfi Peguero


9 JUNE 2020 Hotel Committee Update I - 6.20

Hotels – Need to Know (Your Contract)

Section 34.B.1
The Company will provide safe and reliable transportation between the airport and lodging facilities. If you find issues with either hotel van or regular 3rd party vehicles, please submit a Crew Care report immediately. This might include inoperative seat belts, inoperative doors or unsafe storage of luggage.

Section 34.B.a
The hotel van or contracted transportation will make a stop en route to the hotel at suitable eating facilities, if such is unavailable near the lodging. This means, ASK the driver to stop on the way to the hotel if you need food.

Section 34.B.b
If no such suitable establishment is en route to the hotel, the Flight Attendant will be provided transportation to and from a suitable restaurant. ASK the hotel to provide a ride so you can get food. I see multiple Crew Care reports about food being unavailable. However, the majority of our hotels provide local transportation. The crew member only needs to ask.

Section 34.B.2
In the event a crew has waited more than 15 minutes (:15) AT THE CURB for transportation, the crew will be reimbursed for the amount of the taxi, if the hotel does not pay for the taxi. The intent of this paragraph is to provide one (1) crew member reimbursement per incident.
Our hotel partners are provided tools to track and monitor our arrivals. If the crew waits more than 15min AT THE CURB, they will be reimbursed for the cost of transport to the hotel. Crews are not required to call from the aircraft, or on the way to the curb. This is not included in the 15min wait time. All reimbursements/expenses are electronic now and much faster than ever before. The last time I did an expense report, it was only a few days before it was completed. Please do not be afraid to utilize this provision! Rest times and schedules are very important.

Section 34.D.1,2,3
Hotel standards are listed in this section. If you find an assigned room is lacking these amenities, please notify the Front Desk immediately. All hotel partners are provided a list of the basic requirements. Give the hotel the opportunity to resolve the problem. I know we would all appreciate the same courtesy. Send a Crew Care report detailing the issue and the resolution. As always, remain professional and mature. You are a representative of Envoy Air at all times.

SOME required items: smoke free room, reliable wake up call, clean and pest free rooms, business center with internet access (Wi-Fi is more and more standard but not required), well-lit hallways, no first-floor rooms, no connecting rooms (unless it’s an Envoy crew member), no handicapped equipped rooms, working heat and air conditioning.

Also remember that social media is NOT a way to report problems. Crew Care is the only acceptable reporting system. We all appreciate your emails, but Crew Care is still required.

Crew Care "contact us" option. This is to be used for any technical difficulties you have using the Crew Care system. This is NOT for reporting hotel issues.

Please contact your AFA reps with any questions or concerns. Also since we are in contract negotiations please wear your Union Pin with Pride and if you have any ideas or suggestions for the Hotel Committee please email your Local Hotel Chairs or your MEC Hotel Chair(

All in,
AFA Hotel Committee


(March 1st,2020) Hello all. Here are some updates coming March 1st for some of our layovers Hotel.

El Paso, TX we will be moving to the Wyndham El Paso Airport

Norfolk, VA We did it finally. Thank you for all the Crew Cares and emails that we have gotten from you all. We will be moving to the Sheraton Waterfront Hotel in ORF. This is a huge victory for the Hotel Committee.

Wichita Falls, TX We will be moving to the La Quinta SPS MSU

Please welcome Jerry Jones, Tomica Jackson and Nick Aguero to the DFW Team. Yvonne Morales will support our FA’s in MIA and will fall under ORD. Thanks so much for all who have volunteered.

Messages from your Hotel Committee

The hotels we contract for our layovers are all non-smoking properties.  If you arrive at your room and it smells like smoke, cigarettes or marijuana, go directly to the front desk and report it!  Even if you're tired and it's been a long day....please notify the front desk.  I don't want anyone accused of smoking when it didn't actually happen.  If you are a smoker, do NOT smoke in the crew hotel rooms.  Please use outside facilities provided.
Items are disappearing from crew rooms.  Do not take anything you didn't bring.  Maybe a "preview" is in order.  Walk through the room and take note of items that are for your use IN THE ROOM and items that you can take (shampoo, conditioner, lotion).  Thank you for your attention to these issues.

"This is why we can't have nice things!"
Heard this before?  Turns out, it's true.
The hotel in Fargo, one of our very best, has found items missing from the crew rooms.  Do not take anything with you that you didn't bring! This is jeopardizing our relationship with the hotel and could result in us having to change properties in FAR.  We all know how it feels when things "disappear". Please do not put us in this situation.

Thank you,
Your Hotel Committee