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Hotel Committee

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Hotel Standards and your Contractual Rights
Hotel Standards and your Contractual Rights
Hotels - know your Contract
Hotels - know your Contract

Contact your Local Reps:


Jerry Jones – Chair

[email protected]


Kim McCloud – Rep.



Leigh Ann Miller – Rep.




Teresa Kern – Chair

[email protected]


Tonya Plowden-Burnett – ORD Rep.

[email protected]


Chris Corona – PHX Rep.

[email protected]



Elfi Peguero – Chair

[email protected]





Messages from your Hotel Committee

The hotels we contract for our layovers are all non-smoking properties.  If you arrive at your room and it smells like smoke, cigarettes or marijuana, go directly to the front desk and report it!  Even if you're tired and it's been a long day.... please notify the front desk.  I don't want anyone accused of smoking when it didn't actually happen.  If you are a smoker, do NOT smoke in the crew hotel rooms.  Please use outside facilities provided.
Items are disappearing from crew rooms.  Do not take anything you didn't bring.  Maybe a "preview" is in order.  Walk through the room and take note of items that are for your use IN THE ROOM and items that you can take (shampoo, conditioner, lotion).  Thank you for your attention to these issues.

"This is why we can't have nice things!"
Heard this before?  Turns out, it's true.
The hotel in Fargo, one of our very best, has found items missing from the crew rooms.  Do not take anything with you that you didn't bring! This is jeopardizing our relationship with the hotel and could result in us having to change properties in FAR.  We all know how it feels when things "disappear". Please do not put us in this situation.

Thank you,
Your Hotel Committee

Layover Safety


Section 34. We often consider activity onboard the aircraft when reviewing safety & security procedures, but personal safety at layover locations should also be at the forefront of safety in our work environment.

Please review the following hotel safety guidelines:

 - Do not mention room numbers in the presence of other hotel guests and request hotel staff not to announce your room number.

 - Do not "check-in" or post layover hotel locations on any social media network.

 - Insist that the crew sign-in sheet be kept in a secure place.

 - Try to have rooms assigned close to other crewmembers, when possible.

 - Prior to closing the room door, check your room with a fellow crewmember and use your suitcase to prop the door open.

 - When you are alone on the layover, you might consider requesting hotel security or other staff to escort you to your room and wait while you inspect the entire room.

 - Check closets, under beds, behind drapes and the bath. Ensure the phone is working and you can directly dial 911 or other emergency number, if needed and it's locally available.

 - Take note of the number of fire exits, where they are located and if re-entry is possible from floor to floor.

 - Once inside the room and the door is closed, use all available door and window locks.

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