Welcome New Members
We’re excited to welcome our new Flight Attendants to our Union!
Your skills and perspectives will greatly contribute to our group success.
We encourage you to engage with your colleagues and familiarize yourself with our Union’s resources and benefits.
Together, we can achieve great things. Welcome aboard!

AFA 101
This is a computer-based training (CBT) program provided by AFA to help you understand the origins of our Union, our achievements, and how we operate today. The course is divided into brief modules that:
- Review the history of AFA and key events that shaped our Union.
- Outline the AFA's organizational structure and the relationships between its different levels.
- Detail how union dues are allocated and utilized for member representation.
- Explain the role of committees, how they are formed, and how they function.
- Provide guidelines for the use of email and social media in Union communications.
AFA 101 offers a strong foundation of knowledge, empowering you to become an informed and active AFA member, access this CBT HERE.
Your Right to Representation
Whenever you are asked to come to your manager’s office for a discussion, you have the contractual right to Union representation.
While any AFA member in good standing can be a peer witness, in cases involving potential discipline, AFA recommends that you contact your local leaders to schedule a trained grievance representative who will accompany you. It is imperative that you monitor your HI10M for any disciplinary codes that could contractually be converted to non-issues. It is your responsibility to ensure this is done within the contractual time-lines. (LR-MA-UA-PG)

You have this right even while on probation.
You can find more information about your right to representation in these sections of our contract:
The AFA Pin - Wear It!
The AFA pin is a symbol of our solidarity, unity and years of sacrifice and collective bargaining achievements. Management notices this simple statement. You should always wear your AFA pin and carry a few extra with you. Compliment members who are wearing theirs and pin those who aren't.